Here is some interesting information from Maple Syrup World in Montreal, Quebec, Canada:
State or Province Amount of Maple Syrup Produced
in 2010
Province of Quebec, Canada: 7,989,000 gallons harvested.
State of Vermont, USA: 890,000 gallons harvested.
Province of Ontario, Canada: 400,000 gallons harvested.
State of New York, USA: 312,000 gallons harvested.
State of Maine, USA: 310,000 gallons harvested.
Province of New Brunswick, Canada: 300,000 gallons harvested.
State of Wisconsin, USA: 117,000 gallons harvested.
State of New Hampshire, USA: 87,000 gallons harvested.
State of Michigan, USA: 82,000 gallons harvested.
State of Ohio, USA: 65,000 gallons harvested.
State of Pennsylvania, USA: 54,000 gallons harvested.
State of Massachusetts, USA: 29,000 gallons harvested.
Province of Nova Scotia, Canada: 22,000 gallons harvested.
State of Connecticut, USA: 9,000 gallons harvested.
Maple syrup and sugar was an important sweetener before the mass marketing of processed sweetened food products.
There are interesting Native American stories about the origin of maple sap. An Abenaki story has the powerful being Gluskabe diluting the sap in the maple trees so that it would have to be boiled down. A Lenape story relates that the sap is a gift from the maple tree to the birds and animals during a time of drought since previously the birds had rescued the maple from a plague of bugs.