Sunday, July 19, 2015

Gilder Meadow

This photo is of Gilder Meadow, the land given to John Van Gilder by the Mohican Nation.  The mountain to the left is Jug End.  Since I started my research over twenty years ago, I've always seen the area referred to as "Guilder Hollow."  While researching deeds recently, I discovered that might be a fairly recent name.  An 1873 deed of land from the estate of George L. Tullar to George F. Bradford refers to the area as "the 'Gilder Meadow' so called."  The deed of 1837 from John Tullar to George L. Tullar refers to it the same way.  I want to research the area deeds more thoroughly in part to track this usage. 

My apologies for the line in the photo.  I was given what was once a very good camera.  Shortly after I received it, the camera developed this line.  I understand I can fix this and will put this on my list of things to do.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Simeon Van Gilder

While using Fold3 during its recent free promotional period, I found another Van Gilder, Simeon.  He was listed on an account of forage received for the use of the First Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental Army. It was dated November 1780.  I think it was for the state of New Jersey since soldiers were assigned towns in the counties of Morris, Essex, including the town of Newark.  Simeon Van Gilder was assigned the town of Totoway in Essex County.  He  brought back 2 tens(?) and 5 hundreds of hay, 18  bushels of oats, 14 bushels of corn, and 15 horses.  

 It's the only trace of Simeon I've been able to find so far. He did not appear at all on Rootsweb World Connect, FamilySearch or Mocavo.   According to the site

[The First Massachusetts Regiment] was first authorized on 23 April 1775 in the Massachusetts State Troops as Paterson's Regiment under Colonel John Paterson and was organized at Cambridge, Massachusetts. It consisted of eleven companies of volunteers from Berkshire, Hampshire, Suffolk, Middlesex, Worcester, and York counties in Massachusetts and the county of Litchfield in the colony of Connecticut. The regiment was adopted into the main Continental Army on 14 June 1775 and was assigned to William Heath's brigade on 22 July 1775. On 1 January 1776 the regiment (less two companies) was consolidated with Sayer's and Sullivan's companies of Scammon's Regiment; re-organized to eight companies and redesignated as the 15th Continental Regiment of Heath's Brigade.

On 1 August 1779 the regiment was assigned to the Highland Department, which would fit with this assignment.  The department was based at West Point, New York.  

Because Paterson recruited men from Berkshire County, it is possible that Simeon Van Gilder was a descendant of John Van Gilder.  I don't know if it could ever be proved one way or another.