Monday, November 11, 2013

Family Veterans

A long time ago I posted a list of male ancestors who served in the military.  I have other family members who also served. 

At least twenty of the Van Gilders and their Winchell relatives served in the American Revolution.
My great-great-grandfather Jesse Hise and his brothers Cornelius and Moses served in the Civil War.  Moses never returned.  My guess is that his remains were not identifiable on the battle ground.

My great-great-grandfather Adam W. Baker served in the Union Army during the Civil War.  Most of his cousins, who were in Virginia, served in the Confederate Army.  Some battles in the Shenandoah Valley were fought on Baker family land. Adam was captured by the Confederates 28 Nov 1864 at Columbia, TN.  He was held prisoner in the infamous prison at Andersonville, GA.  He was exchanged April 1865.
Adam W. Baker
My great-uncle Ellis H. Winchell served in the U.S. Navy during World War 1.

Ellis H. Winchell with sister Janette Winchell Schwab
Ellis' son Robert Ellis Winchell was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Force.  He enlisted in 1946 in California.
My mother's cousins Glenn and  Gerald Vandivier served in the U.S. Army during World War 2.  Another cousin, Frank Vandivier, enlisted in the Army in 1946, stationed in Washington State.  I wonder if he ever met my father there.
Glenn Vandivier

My grandmother's nephew Andy Dunifin enlisted in the U.S. Army during World World 2, but was discharged due to his health.
Andrew Dunifin
Nephew Arthur Baker served as well.  Can you tell he and Andy were cousins?
Arthur Baker
These men had a cousin, Charles Edward Darrow, who was born in Snohomish, Washington.  He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1938. He was killed in a plane crash outside of Tucson, AZ,  on 24 November 1944.  My uncle Roy introduced him to his wife Emma Thompson.  They made their home in Wassaic, NY.
Gertrude Baker Winchell and nephew Charles Edward Darrow

Cousin Larry Lee Vandivier served in the U.S. Navy.
My cousin W. Allen Wilson served in the U.S. military.
My cousin Wesley Mowris served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War.

Wesley Mowris
My uncle Roy Winchell served in the U.S. Army during World War 2.  I've been told he was a driver for General Patton during the Battle of the Bulge.  Here he is in his company.

Four of my mother's brothers served during World War 2.
Uncle Sid

Uncle Don. bottom far right

These are all the veterans I know of or can remember at this time.   If I learn of more, I will write about them in another post. I thank them all for their service.

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