Maud Is Dead;
Faithful Horse
Finishes Career
faithful old horse which powered the express wagon over Cuba’s streets for 18
years for “Jim” Wilcox and his successor, “Charlie” Wilcox, is no more. Infirmities incident to its advanced age of
23 years made Maud’s retirement from service imperative and brought about the
animal’s death last week.
for the loss will not be confined merely to its owner. Hundreds of “kids” for several generations
back remember their first ride, behind a horse or the feet or reins, on the old
express wagon on which the Wilcoxes not only drew express but half the
youngsters of the village.
appearance of the wagon on the street without three or four youngsters perched
on the high seat was an event to be noted, and regardless of the inexperience
and anxiety of the youthful drivers, Maud patiently went about its duties—never
rapidly but with a stride which it had adopted after 18 years’ experience in
filling the requirements of the route.
reins were there mostly for the youngsters’ pleasure. It knew every brick in the pavements of Cuba’s
streets—knew the habits of its owner, so that when the whistle on Phelps &
Sibley Company’s mill blew Maud started for the barn from whatever place it
happened to be.
picture of Maud ever will grace the Hall of Fame, but in the hearts of hundreds
of “kids” and men and women of today who were the “kids” of yesterday, there
will always be a mental portrait of old Maud.
The Patriot and Free Press, Cuba, NY, 15 March 1934, p. 4.
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