Saturday, October 26, 2013

Indian Shelter Excavated

The Otsego Farmer, 25 May 1934

Ralph S. Ives, Sr., and sons, Charles K. Ives and Ralph S. Ives, Jr., of Roxbury, have just completed the excavation of an Indian shelter on the premises of Augustus Redmond of Arkville.  From a fire pit, they took out a great many pieces of broken pottery, a number of arrow points, two or three knives, flint scrapers, flint rubbingstones, a broken flint drill, hammerstones, one pestle, two stone sinkers and a muller.  The most important find however, consisted of two bone awls, in a perfect state of preservation, made from the wing bones of a turkey, a part of a polished bone needle, and a perfect bone arrow point apparently made from the bone of a deer.  These specimens will be catalogued and mounted so that a perfect history of the occupation of the cave can be made.  All the relics were of early Algonquin origin.


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  2. Eva, this took place in 1934. These people aren't even alive now to do anything about it. The records have also been destroyed so the newspaper articles are the only information left. I would also advise you this blog is not a forum for advertising the services of an individual or company. Posting or not posting your comments is entirely up to me.
