Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Village Sites and Indigenous Migrations

Archeologists Fill Gaps in Indian Data

Amateur archeologists from widely scattered sections of eastern New York spoke briefly of their discoveries at a meeting of the local Van Epps-Hartley chapter of the New York State Archeological association.

Main portion of the program, second in a series of five monthly meetings on regional archeology, was devoted to discussion of the chapter’s discoveries on two Indian village sites, thought to have been occupied by Algonkian Indians.

Vincent J. Schaefer, chapter president, led the discussion.

Ralph S. Ives of Roxbury, NY, said that he and  friends had found evidence of at least three major Indian migrations through their part of the Catskills.

Another gap in information of the Mohawk-Hudson are was filled by Kenneth H. Mynter of Claverack, who said he found evidences east of the Hudson river which point to the Owasco culture.

A number of discoveries in Washington, Warren and Saratoga counties were described.

Members have been invited to meet with Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the state museum, in Albany Saturday for a tour of Indian exhibits and a discussion of a classification system used by many archeologists.  Interested amateurs will meet at the state museum between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Saturday.

Schenectady Gazette, 27 March 1947

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